I FINALLY just released my first *real* game, "VIEW FROM BELOW" ! This has been a longggggg time coming.
If you liked my old visual novel stuff, I think you'll really like this. It takes a lot of those ideas / bits and pieces, and presents it all in a new ( and much better imo ) way !
It's a little emotional, a little funny, and a little dark. It means a lot to me, and I hope it'll mean a lot to you, too.
You can buy the game / see more about it on Steam ! - > https://store.steampowered.com/app/1208760/View_From_Below/
Thank you all so much for playing my games over the years. It all built up to this.
Very interesting game! I wishlisted it, I'll have to pick it up when I have some disposable income :)
Thanks so much !